Natural Cold and Flu Relief

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Ahhh, cold and flu season is upon us. Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, the chills, we know it all too well.

But the reality is, cold and flu season isn’t a season that we need to expect every year, like spring or summer. The reason we catch colds is because our immune systems are unable to fight off illness. We have become a weak society.

The more drugs, antibiotics, fast food, stress, excessive alcohol and processed sugar we consume, the weaker our immune systems become. So really, the ultimate cold and flu remedy is a healthier diet full of immune boosting compounds.

But, in the meantime, I’ll share with you some of my favourite quick remedies for those pesky colds that come around.


I’ve talked about garlic and its benefits in an IGTV video about a supplement Allimax. There are two main compounds found in garlic naturally – alliin and alliinase. When a clove of garlic is cut or crushed, the enzyme alliinase converts the amino acid alliin into allicin. Whew, that’s a mouthful.

This is a defense system of the plant, as allicin is an antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. It wards off any invaders to the plant, just like it helps ward off any pathogenic invaders in our bodies. So, when you’re feeling sick, cut up a clove of garlic and swallow it like a pill. Or, if you’re not a huge fan of garlic breath, pick up some Allimax and you’ll be set!

Black Pepper

Black pepper is a potent antibacterial which helps our bodies fight off unwanted pathogenic invaders. It is also an anti-inflammatory which helps soothe a sore throat, a stuffy nose, and can alleviate chest congestion. Because it’s a spice, it also warms our bodies which increases circulation, helping us get rid of viruses and bacteria quicker.

You can easily soothe a sore through by adding fresh ground black pepper to a teaspoon of honey and swallow. You’ll feel better in no time!

Marshmallow Root

No, not the fluffy white marshmallows we roast for smores. Marshmallow root is an excellent herb that helps reduce inflammation, which almost instantly relieves a sore throat. By reducing inflammation in our mucous membranes, marshmallow root reduces the length and severity of a cold.

It is also amazing for digestion, which is an added bonus! My favourite way to take marshmallow root is in a warm cup of Throat Coat tea by Traditional Medicinals. I’ll add an Amazon link below! This tea tastes SO good and really relieves a sore throat almost instantly. I drink it even when I’m not sick to support a healthy digestive tract.

Mullein Leaf

Mullein leaf can be used as either a tea, a tincture, or even smoked (although I don’t necessarily recommend this way!). Mullein helps treat respiratory conditions because it acts as an anti-inflammatory herb. It can coat and soothe irritated mucous membranes, therefore soothing a sore throat and irritated chest.

It also is an expectorant, meaning it helps your body expel mucous. In other words, when you take mullein, you’re gonna cough up a lot of nasty stuff. But this is good! Your lungs can function better when there isn’t a pound of bacteria-filled phlegm in your lungs. Cough that stuff out!

Mullein has been used for centuries around the world. The Navajo smoke it to cure asthma, the Irish used to use it as a decoction to cure tuberculosis, and modern herbalists and natural practitioners use it today as a remedy for a cold, flu or even sinusitis.

Vitamin D

Ever notice how there’s less people getting sick in the summer? Also notice how we have more sun exposure in the summer? The secret lies in the sun. Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is linked with a lower risk of getting a cold or flu during the winter season – when sun exposure is low. Vitamin D stimulates antimicrobial peptide production which can directly fight off viruses and bacteria. It directly boosts the immune system! I recommend everyone take a vitamin D supplement during the winter. It also helps lower the risk of S.A.D. – Seasonal Affective Disorder!


Zinc also directly boosts the immune system. Supplementation is especially beneficial for those with weakened immune systems (that’s me!). Zinc is also a great anti-inflammatory and a potent antioxidant.

Always talk to a professional before self-dosing, because long term supplementation could possibly lead to toxicity if you’re taking the wrong amount. Always be safe.

Colloidal Silver

This one is a pretty controversial remedy. It was first used in 1891 by a surgeon B.C Crede to sterilize wounds. It was an extremely popular antibacterial from 1900 to 1940, until antibiotics and prescriptions took over.

Colloidal silver is an original antibiotic. It can be used during a cold, flu or other illness to fight off viruses and bacteria. If you have a sore throat, gargle with 1 tbsp of colloidal silver for 2 minutes (yes, really) and you’ll notice your pain subside immediately. Some homeopaths recommend swallowing the silver after you gargle with it, but I don’t.

There’s conflicting reports out there regarding the safety and potential toxicity of colloidal silver. When taken in large doses, there can be irreversible effects – like your skin turning gray. For good. However, you’d have to take a LOT. But to be on the safer side, I don’t swallow the silver.

Overall, colloidal silver is safe. I mean silver is used in medical creams, bandages, wound dressings, and even as a coating on medical devices.

The Takeaway

The strength of our immune system and its ability to fight off illness really depends on what we eat each and every day. Sure, a cookie here and there won’t be the detriment of your immune system. But we need to make a conscious effort to feed our bodies healthy, nourishing food. Remember, food is fuel. Maintain your car and you’ll spend less on repairs; just like maintain your body’s health and you’ll spend less time recovering from illness.

As someone who grew up with a terrible immune system (and I really do mean terrible), I take pride in building and strengthening it each and every day with the foods I choose to eat. You have one body – take care of it! Each and every day, challenge yourself to be the healthiest you can be.

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