
My Super Easy Kickin’ Guacamole Recipe

Hey guys! I’m finally back with another recipe for you all. I know it’s been a while, but I needed some time to myself – and that’s okay. It’s important to know that you ARE allowed to take a step back and regroup when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed. It’s way better than burning out, […]

Nutrient of the Month: Vitamin D

With summer around the corner, I thought it was appropriate to write about the “sunshine vitamin.” I’m talking about vitamin D! We all know that we get vitamin D from the sun. But with all the worries about skin cancer, how do we ensure we’re getting enough vitamin D safely? Did you know that you […]

Make Ahead Breakfast Burritos

Hey, guys! Welcome back to my blog! I have another awesome free recipe for you to try! I don’t know about you, but I’ve been experimenting a lot more with cooking, baking and meal prepping during this period of self isolation. Which I have no issues with because I love creating new recipes to test […]

Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free Chocolate Muffins [Vegan Option]

In case you haven’t noticed, I have a thing for chocolate. But often times, chocolate recipes are super unhealthy. So I’ve made it my mission to create healthy chocolate recipes. This recipe was so fun to make and pretty simple! I did make it with a lot of coconut products, but I’m sure they can […]

Staying Sane During During Covid-19 Quarantine

Are you slowly losing your mind? Longing for the outside world and human interaction? Because I am. Now, listen. I work from home. But being stuck at home is a whole different game. I like knowing I’m free to pop into a store if I’m craving a certain fruit or need (want) something from the […]

Nutrient of the Month: Biotin

You’ve probably heard about this vitamin a billion times. It’s the famous hair, skin & nails vitamins that so many women (and some men) go crazy for. I mean there’s biotin gummies that promise silky, strong hair, glowing skin and long nails. It’s often called vitamin H, for ‘haar und haut,’ which literally means hair […]

Baked Breaded Cauliflower Bites

I don’t know about you, but quarantine has me in the kitchen quite often! Whether that be grabbing snacks or testing out new recipes. I know cauliflower buffalo bites are all the rage, but if you’re like me and can’t handle the heat, buffalo bites just aren’t going to cut it. I remember my mom […]

Moringa Oleifera, The Miracle Tree

Have you guys ever heard of this plant, moringa? I’ve talked about it a few times on my Instagram stories. I drink moringa tea quite often, at least 4-5 times per week, and I think you should too! What is it? Moringa oleifera, or moringa, is actually a tree. It’s native to northern India but […]

Healthy Chocolate Banana Loaf Recipe

Hey, friends! I’ve gotten quite a few requests to share some of the recipes for foods I’ve been posting lately. I figured now is as good a time as ever, considering there’s not much else to do. When you’re forced to stay home, what better to do than to bake! I found this recipe on […]

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