Staying Sane During During Covid-19 Quarantine

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Are you slowly losing your mind? Longing for the outside world and human interaction? Because I am.

Now, listen. I work from home. But being stuck at home is a whole different game. I like knowing I’m free to pop into a store if I’m craving a certain fruit or need (want) something from the dollar store. I’m used to being home alone for majority of the day. Having my mom and brother home with me is nice, but sometimes it just becomes too much. Oh, how I took silence for granted.

So, if you’re like me and have been slowly going insane, here are some of my favourite tips and tricks to beat the quarantine blues!

Go for a walk

While there is a ‘stay at home’ order in effect, you ARE allowed to go for a walk. As long as you’re keeping your distance from those who don’t live in the same household as you, you’re free to get those feet movin’!

I try to go for a minimum 30min walk most days of the week. As the weather continues to get nicer, I’ll go for a walk more often. The vitamin D does wonders for your mood and your immune system! So it’s definitely a good idea to get some sunshine in during these times.

Read a book

Okay this may sound cliché but it really does help your mental health, especially when there isn’t much else to do! Reading promotes calmness and relaxation. Whether you’re stuck at home with the kids, or anxious to get out of the same four walls, reading can help bring some peace.

Stress is actually one of the number one factors of a weak immune system. So take this time to sit back with your feet up and dive into a good book!

Listen to a podcast

Listening to a podcast is a great way to gain knowledge and information on a topic, without it being boring. Some people have trouble reading books for this reason. I personally love listening to podcasts!

Make sure you check out my own new podcast called Everyday Immunity! It’s available on Spotify, iTunes, Google Podcasts, and even under the Podcasts tab on this website! New episodes come out every Tuesday so make sure to stay tuned!

Start a new hobby

Have your tried painting? Recently I’ve seen a lot of people on social media using those paint by number kits, and honestly, I want one. If paintings not your thing, practice an instrument that you’ve tucked away in the corner. Work on your soccer skills. Learn how to knit. Write poetry. Start a new business. The opportunities are really endless! Starting a new project is a great way to spark excitement and interest when life seems rather boring.

Call a friend or family member

I know nothing compares to face-to-face contact with a loved one. But during these tough times we need to get creative. If a simple phone call isn’t your thing, try video chatting.

There are a ton of ways to communicate with loved ones. There’s FaceTime, Skype, Whatsapp and Facebook video chats. You can also make a free account on Zoom. Some of these applications allow you to video call more than one person at a time. It’s like a whole group of you hanging out together!

Try aromatherapy

Have you tried using essential oils? They offer a ton of benefits like boosting the immune system, promoting relaxation or even focus. Lavender essential oil is commonly used to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. You can add a couple drops to a pillow for an amazing sleep or use it in your diffuser with some other oils for a nice blend.

Always make sure you’re buying pure, organic oils from a reputable company. I buy my oils from Plant Therapy – an American company. Message me or comment below if you have any questions about ordering in some oils!

My personal favourite blend right now is 4 drops eucalyptus, 4 drops frankincense serrata and 3 drops lemon. Give it a shot and let me know what you think!

Don’t brush off your emotions

This is a big one. Yes, we are all in this together but that doesn’t mean your feelings are invalidated. Some people may be taking quarantine life much better than you – and that’s okay. We are all human and unique and allowed to process things differently.

Mental health is just as crucial, if not more than your physical health right now. If you’re staying home, your risk of getting sick is quite low. But what about your mental health? That can still suffer greatly.

Don’t forget to take some time and process your emotions. Locking your feelings away just to “get over it” only ends in failure. Process how you’re feeling and know that those feelings are valid.

I truly hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and sane during this time. We don’t know how long life like this will last, but all we can focus on is the present. Don’t forget to take care of yourself!

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