5 Ways to Grow This Spring

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Happy spring, everyone! I am so thankful and happy for the change in seasons – the warmer weather, the sunshine, the new foliage.

Spring is a time of new beginnings and growth. Look around you. You may notice the fresh spring tulips and daffodils or the wild animals procreating. There is growth all around you. I encourage you to also grow this season.

Think back to the winter and reflect. Was there something you wished you could change about your surroundings or yourself? Did you wish for a certain skill or hobby to pass the time? Or did you notice maybe a negative self trait or habit that you’d love to change? Whatever it is that was heavy on your heart this past season, grow from it this spring.

This is easier said than done of course! But the first step to any growth is accepting that change must happen, and understanding that you, yourself are in control.

To help you along your growth journey, I’ve listed my favourite 5 ways to grow this spring. Use this list as a template and adapt it to your own needs!

1. Work on your mental health

This winter has been hard. I’m not sure what the covid-19 restrictions have been like where you live, but here in Ontario, it’s been tough. It’s proven that Canadians have lower vitamin D levels in the winter because of less sun exposure. Now combine that with stay-at-home orders and social distancing.

Mental health has been at a record low for all age groups. But there are still things you can do this spring to work on your mental health. Try some of the following:

  • start journaling your feelings each day
  • go for a walk every day for sun exposure
  • each an antioxidant rich diet
  • call a friend or relative and catch up

2. Get physically active

It’s no secret that physical health is important for overall health and immunity. I understand it’s difficult to be active with gyms closed and being stuck indoors. But, I encourage you to take advantage of the warming weather and get outside! Remember, being physically active is one of the greatest forms of self-love and self-care.

Let’s take a lesson from our animal friends. They tend to slow down during the winter, gathering food, increasing their body fat to keep warm, and hiding away in their homes for extended periods of time.

However, in the spring, they are more active, awake from sun up to sun down, no longer focused on surviving the harsh winter. They are truly in tune with their circadian clock.

We, humans must follow suit. Let’s step out of the season of hibernation and into the season of activity.

3. Grow your faith and spirituality

This is one step in overall growth and wellness that is often overlooked. Whether you are a Christian or simply spiritual, I encourage you to deepen your faith. Spiritual maturity brings a different kind of peace and comfort in your life.

Make a promise to yourself to work on your faith each day. Whether that’s reading the Bible for 10 minutes each morning, watching an online sermon each week, or simply praying each night, growing your faith will bring such happiness to your life.

Rejoice and thank the Lord for spring and all it has to offer!

4. Pick up a new hobby

They say you should have 3 types of hobbies – one to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to make you happy. You can potentially kill two birds with one stone here, so to speak. You can become more physically active with a new hobby!

Or maybe you need a hobby for some extra cheer. I haven’t picked up my guitar in years, but it’s been in the back of my mind for a few weeks. I think this season of new beginnings is the perfect time for me to see what these fingers remember.

5. Connect with nature

Spring is the perfect time to get acquainted with your roommates. And no, I don’t mean the people you share a roof with. I mean the birds, the squirrels, the grass, the flowers, the bushes, the trees, the air, the sun! You are a part of your ecosystem, your biome.

Unfortunately, not enough of us are getting outside and getting to know our friendly neighbours. I promise you, after spending some time outside appreciating Mother Nature for all of her beauty, you’ll feel a sense of happiness, peace and acceptance that only nature can offer.

I hope you take these suggestions into consideration and start incorporating some of them into your daily life. Remember that we are welcoming a time of growth and new beginnings. What ways will you be growing this season?

xoxo Alicia

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers. 

Psalm 1:3
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