Welcome, Fall

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Happy Fall everyone!

This is my favourite time of the year. Crisp, cool air, sweater weather, Thanksgiving, Halloween, pumpkins, baking… perfection. Too bad here in Toronto we get about 2 weeks of it.

Fall is such a symbolic season. It represents the beauty in transformation and letting go. As the once lively leaves wither and die, they leave behind a beautiful scenery of golden hues. Why is it that we appreciate the beauty of death more than the beauty of life?

How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and colour are their last days.

John Burroughs

I think of Fall as the time of thanks and gratitude. Looking at the scattered leaves that were once full of life, I realize and appreciate the shade that once was. I’m thankful for the oxygen each tree has breathed into me.

It’s fitting that Thanksgiving is in the Fall. After a bountiful harvest, farmers and home gardeners alike are thankful to the Lord for the fruits of this past summer. What are you most thankful for this season?

It’s also a time of reflection and new beginnings. What are you leaving behind as we step into this new season? What are you doing to prepare for the upcoming temperatures? Now look further into yourself.. What are you looking to let go of? What are your new goals? Whether you are starting a new school year, or simply stepping into a new season, this is a time of new beginnings.

This Fall I am pledging to myself to be more mindful, intentional and honest with myself. I am vowing to spend more time with Mother Earth before harsher temperatures are upon us. I am choosing to be more resourceful and connected to our Earth and our roots. Preserving the fruits of this year’s harvest, homemade meals, baking from scratch… there’s beauty in that.

Whatever you choose to step into in this new season, do it with passion and purpose. Take this time to reflect on who you were this past summer, what you’d like to change. And be the change. Don’t be afraid to change with the leaves. Remember, the trees are about to show us how beautiful it is to let things go.

In health,

Alicia xoxo

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2 thoughts on “Welcome, Fall

  1. Hi Alicia. So true what you have written. Thank you for the inspiration. I’m sorry I haven’t had time to log on and set up my account. Your pamphlets are next to my computer and I will do it hopefully this week.

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