Fire Cider – A Traditional Remedy for Cold & Flu Season

Have you ever heard of fire cider? I hadn’t until about a year or so ago. It’s a potent traditional remedy for cold and flu season. I wanted to give it a shot this year and see what all the hype was about, and I decided to share it with all of you! Thankfully, this […]

Staying Sane During During Covid-19 Quarantine

Are you slowly losing your mind? Longing for the outside world and human interaction? Because I am. Now, listen. I work from home. But being stuck at home is a whole different game. I like knowing I’m free to pop into a store if I’m craving a certain fruit or need (want) something from the […]

Moringa Oleifera, The Miracle Tree

Have you guys ever heard of this plant, moringa? I’ve talked about it a few times on my Instagram stories. I drink moringa tea quite often, at least 4-5 times per week, and I think you should too! What is it? Moringa oleifera, or moringa, is actually a tree. It’s native to northern India but […]

Nutrient of the Month: Vitamin C

I’m sure we’ve all heard the ancient ‘cure-all’ remedy for colds – get more Vitamin C! But Vitamin C (aka ascorbic acid) really has SO much more potential. Like the pretty girl in high school with straight A’s who’s only known for her good looks. Hellooo, she has a brain too! Vitamin C just doesn’t […]

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