You’ve probably heard about this vitamin a billion times. It’s the famous hair, skin & nails vitamins that so many women (and some men) go crazy for. I mean there’s biotin gummies that promise silky, strong hair, glowing skin and long nails. It’s often called vitamin H, for ‘haar und haut,’ which literally means hair […]
Nutrient of the Month: Magnesium
Happy April everyone! I know life is a little hectic right now given the threat of covid-19. But I’m trying to make the best of it, as I hope you all are too. Some of you may know, this is my birth month! My birthday is actually April 24. And although I won’t be having […]
Nutrient of the Month: Vitamin B1
This month I want to talk about Vitamin B1, or what’s also known as thiamine. It’s one of the B-vitamins that we don’t really talk about. But what does it do? Where can I get it? And why is it important? Functions It helps with energy production Thiamine is important in energy production for a […]
Nutrient of the Month: Calcium
Did you know that calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body? It’s extremely important for the healthy development of dense, strong bones. In fact, calcium makes up about 1.5-2% of our total body weight, just this one mineral! But this wonderful mineral doesn’t work alone. It relies on magnesium and vitamin D to […]
Nutrient of the Month: Vitamin C
I’m sure we’ve all heard the ancient ‘cure-all’ remedy for colds – get more Vitamin C! But Vitamin C (aka ascorbic acid) really has SO much more potential. Like the pretty girl in high school with straight A’s who’s only known for her good looks. Hellooo, she has a brain too! Vitamin C just doesn’t […]